1. Adolescent Family Functioning Scale (AFFS)
Please choose how much you agree or disagree with the statements below regarding your family. Please be open and honest in your response.
The rating scale is as follows:
1: Strongly disagree
2: Disagree
3: Slightly disagree
4: Slightly agree
5: Agree
6: Strongly agree
1. My parents and I share our feelings.
2. My parents and I share our thoughts.
3. My parents take the time to ask me about my day.
4. We always solve problems together.
5. We can share our problems in the family.
6. My family members take care of each other.
7. We are kind to each other.
8. We care for each other.
9. We help each other.
10. My family members are supportive of each other.
11. I want my family to be proud of me.
12. My parents want the best for me.
13. My family’s reputation is important to me.
14. I always try to do things myself before asking for help.
15. I care about my parents’ feelings.
Score Interpretation
Family Relationship: Items 1 – 5
Family Cohesiveness: Items 6 – 10
Family Pride: Items 11 – 15
Chin, W. C. (2023). Development and validation of the Adolescent Family Functioning Scale in Malaysia (Publication No. 6255) [Doctoral thesis, Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman]. UTAR Institutional Repository.
2. Cabin Fever Scale (CFS)
Please read each statement and choose a number (0, 1, 2 or 3) to indicate how much the statement applied to you in these few days. There are no right or wrong answers. Do not spend too much time on any statement.
The rating scale is as follows:
0: Did not apply to me at all
1: Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time
2: Applied to me to a considerable degree or a good part of time
3: Applied to me very much or most of the time
1. I felt anxious.
2. I experienced a lack of energy and enthusiasm.
3. I felt sad or depressed.
4. I found myself lacking patience.
5. I felt hopeless.
6. I felt dissatisfied.
7. I found myself craving for food.
8. I had decreased motivation.
9. I had difficulty waking up.
10. I took naps frequently.
Score Interpretation
Emotional symptoms: Items 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.
Behavioural symptoms: Items 7, 8, 9, and 10.
Chin, W. C., & Rabbani, M. (2021). Development of Cabin Fever Scale in Malaysia. Journal of Cognitive Sciences and Human Development, 7(1), 115–122.
3. Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale - Malay - 9 item (RSES-M-9)
Berikut adalah soalan tentang sikap anda terhadap hidup pada keseluruhannya. Lingkari nombor (dari 1 hingga 5) di sebelah setiap pernyataan yang menunjukkan sejauh mana anda bersetuju atau tidak bersetuju dengan kenyataan masing-masing.
1: Sangat tidak setuju
2: Tidak setuju
3: Berkecuali
4: Setuju
5: Sangat setuju
1. Pada keseluruhannya saya berpuashati dengan diri saya.
2. Saya rasa saya mempunyai beberapa kualiti yang baik.
3. Kadangkala saya rasa tidak berguna langsung.
4. Saya boleh melakukan pekerjaan seperti kebanyakan orang lain.
5. Saya rasa saya tidak mempunyai apa-apa untuk di banggakan.
6. Kadangkala saya sememangnya rasa tidak berguna.
7. Saya rasa saya seorang yang berharga, sekurang-kurangnya pada tahap yang sama dengan orang lain.
8. Setelah mengambilkira segala-galanya, saya cenderung berasa yang saya seorang yang gagal.
9. Saya mengambil sikap positif terhadap diri saya.
Score Interpretation
Positive self-esteem: Items 1, 2, 4, 7, and 9.
Negative self-esteem: Items 3, 5, 6, and 8.
Chin, W. C., & Cheong, J. Y. (2022). Validation of Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale for Malaysian adolescents. Current Psychology. Advance online publication.
4. Family Assessment Device – General Functioning Subscale - Short Form (FAD-GF-SF)
Please choose the number (1 - 4) which best indicates how much you agree or disagree with the 6 statements below concerning your family. Choose only 1 number per question.
1: Strongly Disagree
2: Disagree
3: Agree
4: Strongly Agree
1. We can express feelings to each other.
2. There are lots of bad feelings in the family.
3. We feel accepted for what we are.
4. Making decisions is a problem in our family.
5. We are able to make decisions about how to solve problems.
6. We do not get along well with each other.
Score Interpretation
Positive functioning: Items 1, 3, and 5.
Negative functioning: Items 2, 4, and 6.
Chin, W. C., Tan, S. A., Nainee, S., & Tan, C.-S. (2022). Psychometric qualities of the McMaster Family Assessment Device–General Functioning Subscale for Malaysian samples. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(4), Article 2440.
5. Family Adaptability and Cohesion Evaluation Scale III - Malay - Short Form (FACES-III-M-SF)
Berikut adalah soalan tentang keluarga anda. Lingkari nombor (dari 1 hingga 5) di sebelah setiap pernyataan yang menunjukkan kekerapan dengan kenyataan masing-masing.
1: Hampir tidak pernah
2: Sekali-sekala
3: Kadang-kala
4: Kerap
5: Hampir selalu
1. Ahli keluarga saya saling bantu-membantu di antara satu sama lain.
2. Ahli keluarga saya dapat menerima rakan-rakan ahli keluarga yang lain dengan baik.
3. Ahli keluarga saya lebih suka menghabiskan masa bersama dengan keluarga.
4. Ahli keluarga saya berasa rapat di antara satu sama lain.
5. Apabila keluarga kami berkumpul untuk melakukan aktiviti, semua akan hadir.
6. Kami boleh merancang sesuatu dengan mudah untuk dilakukan bersama-sama sebagai satu keluarga.
7. Kebersamaan (togetherness) keluarga adalah sangat penting.
8. Orang berbeza bertindak sebagai pemimpin dalam keluarga kami.
9. Anak-anak menentukan keputusan dalam keluarga saya.
10. Peraturan berubah dalam keluarga kami.
11. Adalah sukar untuk mengenalpasti pemimpin dalam keluarga saya.
Score Interpretation
Cohesion: Items 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7.
Adaptability: Items 8, 9, 10, and 11.
Chin, W. C., Tan, C.-S., Noew, H. S., & Wu, S. L. (2022). Psychometric evaluation of the Malay version of the Family Adaptability and Cohesion Evaluation Scale III for Malaysian adolescents. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(1), Article 156.